Cindy is also kind enough to have her full video of this technique up for free for a limited time. Hurry up and watch it by clicking the link below, and have fun experimenting. :)
1) Video of Teardrop Method
Make sure you post a comment on Cindy's website. Click on the article 4 link to find the video.
Below is a picture of my skinner blend using this technique:

My skinner blend is purple, red, and orange. For some reason my camera turned purple into blue though. I probably could of done a few more rolls on this one to get it more blended as well. ;)
2) "Number 26" is how old I am today. I was born March 12th, weighing only five pounds and nine ounces. I am now one year older and past the half-to-thirty mark hehe.
Final Words:
I guess you could say I have a lot of time on my hands today because 26+100= 126, and that is a lot of time. :P
Happy Birthday
Linda B.
Happy Birthday to you!! Congrats!! And I'm heading over to watch the video now....anything to make the blend easier is a plus for me!! lol
Also, I got my surprise, thank you so very much!! You are soooo talented!!! Love going to post about it too!! :)
Take care,
In loudest singing voice possible...
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear, CB, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!"
"And Many More!!!"
Blow out your candles!!
Hey Happy Birthday!!! Oh to be 26 again!!
Nice blend btw! Looks great. Just think of all the cool things you'll be making now with your blends, now that is is so easy!
Thanks for the shout out. I hope it is as helpful for everyone else as it was for you! ~Cindy Lietz
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. :)
My hubby brought me home red roses, and dyed green white roses. Green, because I am part Irish hehe. Plus a German chocolate cake...yummy!
I have awards for your blog. Please feel free to grab them at my blog.
Thank rk, I shall pick them up :)
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