Monday, March 23, 2009

Technique Time: Flower Power Part 1

This post is the start of my flower power series. In this set of tutorials I will look at various ways of making flowers, as well as different flowers, in polymer clay. Spring is near where I live so I thought it would be fun to do. :)

This specific tutorial is about how to make a six-petaled flower cane.

Why Make Six-petaled Flower Canes?

First off these are pretty easy to make once you know the basic shapes involved, try looking at a flower outside or an image online. Also they are pretty common, and great for beginners to start doing flower cane work with.

They can be a great way to use up scrap colored clay or left over canes as well.

How To Make A Six-petaled Flower Cane?

My flower cane is actually made up of other canes, but one can start off with solid colors. ;)

1) My petals are made from a rainbow skinner blend. Yes I am using the Cindy's Teardrop technique still.

As you can see above I used a ripple blade to give the rainbow skinner blend an interesting look to it, swirling the colors together.

Tip: If you don't want to go through the trouble of making a skinner blend then just use a solid color that you wish your petals to be.

2) I made a long snake from my rainbow skinner blend with my palms. Then cut that into six shorter snakes. You can see one of my shorter snakes below.

3) Gently shape your snakes into petals by pinching one side of it with your thumb and index finger.

As you can see from the picture above my petals are now shaped like a teardrop.

4) Set your petals aside for a moment to rest and you can now begin the center of the flower. This can simply be a rolled up snake of another color, with a thin sheet of a contrasting color around it. This snake should be smaller then the petals.

The picture above shows my center, which is a checkerboard cane that I made round instead of square. I reduced this cane until it was small enough to be used with the petals.

5) You may or may not need to do this step, depends on how you want your flower to look like. For my flower though I decided to wrap each petal with a small sheet of black so the petals would not blend in together when the flower is complete.

6) Now you may slowly put the petals around the flower's center, be careful not to distort the petals' shape.

7) Once step # 6 is finished you may decide that this is how you want your flower to look. If that is the case feel free to reduce your cane, the picture below shows my flower up to this point.

8) For my flower I added another step. I decided to wrap it with a two sheets of transparent clay. This gives it a nice look when it is cured. Make sure to blend the sheets ends nicely.

I used the #5 setting on my pasta machine for the two sheets of transparent clay as shown above wrapped around my flower. On my pasta machine, #9 is the thickest, yours may vary.

9) After the transparent sheet was put on I reduced and this is my completed six-petaled flower cane:

My Final Words:

Flower canes are really fun to do and can be put on a number of items such as glass, beads, wood, and so forth. One can also use any color combination, or canes to make them truly unique.

My next post for this series shall be about 3-D flowers.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Updates on Me + Future Postings

Updates On Me:

Not many here know this but I have been trying to start a family with my husband for the last four months. Today a digital test confirmed that indeed I am pregnant! I wasn't really sure this day would ever come, she/he will be our first so we are more then just a little excited. What I thought was interesting is what I got from my pregnancy tracker lol.

According to it:

Ovulation date:
Tue, March 3rd ,2009
Conception date: Wed, March 4th ,2009
Implantation date: Thu, March 12th ,2009
Due date: Wed, November 25th ,2009
Still to go: 252 days to go

Your pregnancy begins at conception. (Wed, March 4th ,2009) Your due date is 266 days (38 weeks) later. (Wed, November 25th ,2009) We will use the more popular numbering, starting 14 days before your conception. According to this, you are already 2 weeks pregnant at the time of conception, making your total pregnancy last 40 weeks, or 280 days. "

First off this means I probably won't be eating Thanksgiving, also implantation date is my birthday! This is the best belated birthday gift. :)

Future Posts:

I don't want anyone to worry about me not making posts for the next nine months or so. I will continue to do so. :) In fact my next series of posts will be tutorials on different flowers you can make either as a cane or 3-D flower. ;) I thought this would get us all in the mood for Spring.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Number 26 + Number 100 equals...

1) I will start with the "number 100." This is amount of times I have probably watched a video from Cindy aka PolymerClayTutor. She is very helpful in the polymer clay world, and has even discovered a new way of making the ever so complex skinner blend! She calls this the "Teardrop Method." I have tried it out myself and it is very simple, and a lot less time consuming. As an added bonus no math is involved. ;)

Cindy is also kind enough to have her full video of this technique up for free for a limited time. Hurry up and watch it by clicking the link below, and have fun experimenting. :)

1) Video of Teardrop Method

Make sure you post a comment on Cindy's website. Click on the article 4 link to find the video.

Below is a picture of my skinner blend using this technique:

My skinner blend is purple, red, and orange. For some reason my camera turned purple into blue though. I probably could of done a few more rolls on this one to get it more blended as well. ;)

2) "Number 26" is how old I am today. I was born March 12th, weighing only five pounds and nine ounces. I am now one year older and past the half-to-thirty mark hehe.

Final Words:

I guess you could say I have a lot of time on my hands today because 26+100= 126, and that is a lot of time. :P

Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog Contest Winners

Congrats To The Winners:

Second place goes to....DesertSoapstone! You win 1000 EC credits, plus three weeks of advertising on my blog. Since you don't have Entre-card on your blog, I will give you an additional week of free advertising. ;)

I think my polymer clay would make charming charms for your soap.

Third place is held up by...Duni You shall get 500 EC credits :)

Very creative way to use my clay with your purses!

Fourth and Fifth place also get 500 EC credits they are.....Kat, and rkdesigns.

Kat: Our polymer clay babies probably would take over the entire world of blogging lol.

rkdesigns: Our crafts combined would make cute babies. ;)

*Drum Roll Please*......

The person with the most creative response and the taker of first place is.....Caraspace!

Caraspace I really liked seeing my blog as a cartoon through your eyes. I love the playful words and descriptions you used, great job!

You will win free advertisement on my blog on your shop or blog (choose one) for a month and get a special feature on your blog/shop.

Final Words:

I did this contest just to have fun, so I hope you all enjoyed it. :) Tomarrow I shall hand out the prizes, as well as put up a spot on my blog for the free advertising!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This is a couple days late, but this is my second surprise of last week, a blog award! A different kind of blog award that is....

The Generosity Award

To give a gift is a gift within itself.

I Give This Award To:

There are two bloggers who have stayed with me since the beginning. They will be getting a special polymer clay surprise by me as appreciation for all their sweetness. :) They are:

* Kat and Kristen * I hope they like penguins!

I also wish to give this award to everyone else in the blogger community who is reading this post. If you want to advertise your shop or blog, let me know in this post, and I shall tweet about you on twitter. ;) This is only in effect until I post a new post.

Award Rules:

1) Show generosity towards others in the blogging community by giving a small gift of appreciation. This can be free advertising, a card in the mail, or anything else your imagination takes you.

2) Send this award to at least five others. If you wish to send the award to more then that, feel free to. Generosity has no limits.

3) Link back to the person who sent you this award.

4) Copy the rules as well as the award into your post.

5) Enjoy yourself and have fun!

"Let's Be Friends" Award

Last week and this week I got the "Let's Be Friends" award from two bloggers. :)

1) Kat's Blog

2) Kristen's Blog

These two have been way too sweet to me since I first joined the blogging community, and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.

This is what the "Let's Be Friends" Award represents:

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

I pass on the award to this wonderful bloggers:

1) Lovely Purses

2) Cara Makes

3) Linda

4) Rock Creek Creations

5) SHI

6) RKDesigns

7) Digital Rose

8)Miss Gina

Congrats to you all, your blogs are truly lovely. :)